Philosophy and Goals
Those who complete their studies at the Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation will become researchers or high-level specialized professionals who will solve modern problems using high-level knowledge and problem solving skills pertaining to science and technology, and will be capable of utilizing high-level specialized knowledge and a knowledge of technology management to achieve and advance innovation in order to take the world forward.
Master’s Program
Master’s programs aim to impart specialized knowledge in a wide variety of fields and provide knowledge of researcher or engineer ethics and intellectual property rights as well as a basic grounding in problem-solving skills, while at the same time preparing students to be agents of innovation who can take on high-level, specialized work in an international capacity.
Doctoral program
Doctoral programs aim to impart specialized knowledge in a wide variety of fields and provide a diverse array of knowledge and skills needed to conduct research as independent researchers, as well as preparing students to be innovation leaders who can take on high-level, specialized work as researchers or highly-skilled specialists in an international capacity.