[TOPICS] Mr. JOSHI Ambika, Deputy Chief of Embassy of Nepal visited Graduate School of Economics
— Mr. JOSHI Ambika, Deputy Chief of Embassy of Nepal visited Graduate School of Economics —
On December 8, 2023, Mr. JOSHI Ambika, Deputy Chief of the Mission, Embassy of Nepal visited the Graduate School of Economics, Yamaguchi University in order to attend interviews to JDS* Nepalese students.
Our Graduate School has accepted four JDS Nepalese students as of today under the Japan Development Scholarship “JDS*”. The purpose of the interview is to support students’ daily and academic life and health conditions by face-to-face dialogues.
After attending the interview, with Professor Sadanori Arimura, Dean of Graduate School of Economics and Professor Testuji Umada, one of their academic supervisors, he had active discussions on the future cooperation between Yamaguchi University and Nepal. We have agreed to provide continuing supports to Nepalese students and further collaboration with Nepal.
*The Japan Development Scholarship (JDS) is a project started in 1999 to support international students through JICA’s grant aid with the aim of “fostering human resources, such as excellent young administrative officials, who are involved in planning and implementing social and economic development programs and contribute to solving problems in the countries concerned.