
Delegation from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia (UTHM) Visited Yamaguchi University and Paid a Courtesy Call to the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
Delegation from Eastern International University, Vietnam, Visited Yamaguchi University Faculty of Engineering
The 15th Joint Seminar with Kunsan National University, South Korea
Special Lecture has been conducted by Dr. Tsukasa Mizutani
We held the 7th joint seminar with Chungbuk National University in South Korea.
Professor Jim Hanson of California Polytechnic State University delivered a special lecture.
Associate Professor Azizul Moqsud has been awarded the Excellent Research Award.
Associate Professor Anthony Tosi from Kent State University, the United States, Visited Our University.
The 3rd International Alumni Online Seminar on Disaster Prevention and Environment
Professor Kenichi Soga of the University of California Berkeley Visited Yamaguchi University
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