Escherichia coli Library
The Center has received permission from the rights holder, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) (Developer: Dr. Hirotada Mori) to distribute the following collection. The collection can be used for comprehensive research on Escherichia coli, a model prokaryote organism.
① Keio Collection※
a set of single-gene deletion mutants
② ASKA Clone GFP(+)※
a set of ORFs cloned into the high copy number plasmid with GFP
③ ASKA Clone GFP(-)※
a set of ORFs cloned into the high copy number plasmid without GFP
④ Gateway Entry Clone library※
a set of clone library for transfer of the ORFs to other vectors
⑤ TransBac library
a set of ORFs cloned into the low copy number plasmid
⑥ ASKA barcode deletion Collection
a set of single-gene deletion mutants with barcode sequence
⑦ ASKA barcode deletion Collection with Sm resistance
a set of single-gene deletion mutants with barcode sequence and streptomycin resistance
※For the use of ① – ④ in academic research at non-profit institutions, please contact NBRP E. coli Strain.